Friday 13 February 2009

Set designs/Costume designs.


To enable the audience to establish that the first character they see is a news reporter, we will use clothes which are stereotypically worn by reporters. They are:

- Hair pinned in a low pony tale to make sure that hair isn't in her face

- Simple makeup to give a natural look

- White blouse under a black fitted blazer

- Black trousers

- Black shoes

To enable the audience to establish that the first victim is a runner, we will use costumes which are stereotypically worn by runners. They are:

- Hair up high in a pony tale

- White running t-shirt

- Three-quarter black running trousers

- White trainer socks

- White and red running trainers

- Silver arm strap for ipod

Settings and locations

In the opening of our film, there will be three settings in which we will do the filming, the main of which being Briley Forest park. The very first location that the audience will see is the entrance of the park. In this particular scene, this is where we meet the first character, the news reporter, as she is informing the audience of the murder of an unknown girl. In this scene, and many others to follow, the reporter will be in a mid shot with the 'Briley Forest Park' sign post behind her to show audiences where she is.

The second location that we will film is at the unknown girl's street where her house is located. We will shoot from the front of her house so that we can get a shot of her coming out her door preparing for a run. We will then pan her running around the corner of her street.

The last and most important setting that we will film in is in the park itself. This is where most of the shots will be filmed in as this is where the murder takes place. Most of these shots will have the woman running through the trees trying to escape from whoever is trying to murder her.

As most of our shots and filming will be in natural surroundings, we therefore cannot design our sets ourselves. This means that we will have to work around our set and use it as best as we can to get some successful clips. An advantage of using the natural surroundings is that it enables our filming and location to look 'natural', and doesn't give off any signs that it has been set up to look like something it isn't.

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