Monday 11 May 2009


  1. Do you think the opening to our film fulfilled the conventions of a horror film?

  2. How does the film fit in with the genre?

  3. Does the film appeal to the target audience? Why?

  4. Do you have any suggestions as to how we could improve our film?

  5. What parts of our film did you enjoy the most and why?

  6. Did you find that the music in the film was effective? Why?

  7. Do you think that the plot was easy to follow?

  8. Do you think that the title to our film was appropriate? Why?

This is a questionnaire that we made to gain some feedback to enable us to evaulate our work successfully. On the whole, most of the feedback we gained were positive and these are the comments that were said:

  1. Most people commented that our film did demonstrate the conventions of a horror film. On numerous occasions, people stated that the editing to our film portrayed this. For example, one person said that the black and white effect of our film made it seem a little more darker which created the sense of tension that the main character was feeling. Also, they said that they liked the camera movements coming from the runner's perspective as it made the whole situation seem a little more real, and created the sense that the runner was in an extreme panic and was in a lot of danger, something of which is very symbolic of horror films.

  2. For this question, we found that a lot of people came up with similar replies. They explained that our editing to our film made it fit in with the genre. They said that the effect of the jerky movements, and going from one shot to another, kept up the fast pace and the tension that we wanted to make people feel.

  3. People stated that our film did appeal to our target audience as they didn't think it would be appropriate for young children to watch.

  4. People gave no suggestions as to how we could improve our film, other than adding more action at the beginning.

  5. The parts people said they enjoyed was the running throught the running of the trees because they said that it sucked them into the tension and made them feel they are the runner themselves.

  6. For this question, the feedback that we gained was all positive which we are very pleased about. Most people said that the music was very suitable and effect for our film as it was quite eery and spooky, which created a bit of suspense and enigma. They said that it began to play at just the right time in our film, (when the runner begins to suspect that she is being followed by somebody), and said that it helped them get into the film as they knew that this is when most of the main action would be to take place.

7. The feedback that we got form this question was a variety of different comments from different people explaining that they could either follow the plot easily or they couldn't. Some people stated that they thought it was relatively easy and liked it, whereas others thought that it could have been a little simpler to help them understand the story more.

8. On the whole, the replies we got from this question were bery positve. People said that they thought the name was very appropriate as it was sharp, simple and catchy. Also they said that it fitted in well with the murder character as his main victims are runners.

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