Monday 11 May 2009


  1. Do you think the opening to our film fulfilled the conventions of a horror film?

  2. How does the film fit in with the genre?

  3. Does the film appeal to the target audience? Why?

  4. Do you have any suggestions as to how we could improve our film?

  5. What parts of our film did you enjoy the most and why?

  6. Did you find that the music in the film was effective? Why?

  7. Do you think that the plot was easy to follow?

  8. Do you think that the title to our film was appropriate? Why?

This is a questionnaire that we made to gain some feedback to enable us to evaulate our work successfully. On the whole, most of the feedback we gained were positive and these are the comments that were said:

  1. Most people commented that our film did demonstrate the conventions of a horror film. On numerous occasions, people stated that the editing to our film portrayed this. For example, one person said that the black and white effect of our film made it seem a little more darker which created the sense of tension that the main character was feeling. Also, they said that they liked the camera movements coming from the runner's perspective as it made the whole situation seem a little more real, and created the sense that the runner was in an extreme panic and was in a lot of danger, something of which is very symbolic of horror films.

  2. For this question, we found that a lot of people came up with similar replies. They explained that our editing to our film made it fit in with the genre. They said that the effect of the jerky movements, and going from one shot to another, kept up the fast pace and the tension that we wanted to make people feel.

  3. People stated that our film did appeal to our target audience as they didn't think it would be appropriate for young children to watch.

  4. People gave no suggestions as to how we could improve our film, other than adding more action at the beginning.

  5. The parts people said they enjoyed was the running throught the running of the trees because they said that it sucked them into the tension and made them feel they are the runner themselves.

  6. For this question, the feedback that we gained was all positive which we are very pleased about. Most people said that the music was very suitable and effect for our film as it was quite eery and spooky, which created a bit of suspense and enigma. They said that it began to play at just the right time in our film, (when the runner begins to suspect that she is being followed by somebody), and said that it helped them get into the film as they knew that this is when most of the main action would be to take place.

7. The feedback that we got form this question was a variety of different comments from different people explaining that they could either follow the plot easily or they couldn't. Some people stated that they thought it was relatively easy and liked it, whereas others thought that it could have been a little simpler to help them understand the story more.

8. On the whole, the replies we got from this question were bery positve. People said that they thought the name was very appropriate as it was sharp, simple and catchy. Also they said that it fitted in well with the murder character as his main victims are runners.


My media product's appropriate media institution, which would distribute the film, would be a film company such as Dimensions Films. The reason being for this is because they specialise in horror films, which is what my film genre is. They have already distributed films like the 'Amityville Horror' which uses a similar story line to the one that my film is based on, (a normal family guy leads a double life by killing others).

My media product's appropriate target audience would be people in their adolescence years, 15 years and above. The main reason of which being is that this film is based on the darker side of people's conducts, for example murdering other innocent people around them. This film would not be suitable for young children as they wouldn't understand the harsh nature of some of the actions that may take place, but also they would be frightened by some of the tension that the film may give off. As well as the age group, the target audience for this film would also be people who enjoy watching horror films, as our film has some of similar content to other horrors.

The ways that we interested our audience is by keeping up a fast pace and making sure that we have plenty of action to keep the audience excited. This is demonstrated in the film when we see the runners perspective as she runs through the trees. This involves a lot of jerky movements and quick editing so the audience can sense the panic and terror that the runner is feeling. This also gives them a chance to see and feel what this situation may be like if they were to be in it. Also, this fast action quickly draws in the audience attention and entices them to watch on.

Upon given the task to create the opening to a film i have learnt many things about the technological side of the construction work. For example i have learnt that if you do a couple of minutes worth of filming, and then come to the editing, you are only left with a fraction of time as to what you started with. Also, i found that it was very hard to keep the camera angles in the same position at all times to ensure that that the film had good continuity and good realism.

Looking back at the preliminary task i feel that i have learnt an awful lot about the software that we use to edit and create our film. I think that if i was ever to use the software again, I would find it easier as my skills in using it have improved. I have also learnt that the construction of the whole project takes a considerable amount of time to produce as you have to spend a lot of time first of all filming it, and then second of all spend time editing and making it look as professional as possible. Last of all i have learnt from the preliminary task that instead of filming in school and doing it out of school, the finishing touches to the film are better as there is no background noise which are irrelevant and distracting. Doing it out of school enables you to create the sense of realism and therefore giving it a better finished look.

Throughout the course of this project, my partner and I made some changes that modified the outcome of the film, of which include the dress code, the editing and the amount of scenes which were in the film. Initially, the character of the runner was meant to wear a plain white top with some three quarter black running bottoms. This changed to what it is now in the film as these clothes were that of what we could get hold of and so made do with what we had. Another modification that we made was the editing of the scenes we filmed. In the beginning, we were going to keep the colour of the fimling in normal colour, but when it came to the last minute touches we decided to turn it black and white. We felt that this gave it a bit authenticity, and on the whole, improved the look of the film. Last of all, we decided to take out some of the scenes of the newsreporter as it took up a lot of the time allowance, but we also felt that it gave away too muh information for the audience.

On the whole, i am pleased with the finishing product. I think that it fulfills the conventions of a horror film as it is quite a dark and eery film, and also has a good storyline. If i was to do this project again, then there would be a few changes that I would make. First of all i think that i would be more responsible for keeping myslef organised and up to date with everything, as it can be quite hard to get back into the project. I would make sure that i used my time wisely so that i didn't fall behind on anything important and just to make the whole project that little bit easier to do and last of all i think that i would do the project by myself. This is because it would ensure that there wouldn't be any arguments in the process of making the film, but also, it would mean that i would pnly be responsible for myself. I think that my partner and i wasted too much of eachothers time and did a lot of last minute filming and editing. However, having said, i am pleased with the overall outcome.

Monday 16 March 2009


For this title, we chose to use a black background to symbolise the dark nature of the film, as black is a connotation for darkness. We used the colour red in the actual writing as it represents blood and danger, something of which our film is about. Last of all we chose to use a rope in the background as it is a dangerous weapon and also creates a sense of realism to the credits.

Friday 13 February 2009

Set designs/Costume designs.


To enable the audience to establish that the first character they see is a news reporter, we will use clothes which are stereotypically worn by reporters. They are:

- Hair pinned in a low pony tale to make sure that hair isn't in her face

- Simple makeup to give a natural look

- White blouse under a black fitted blazer

- Black trousers

- Black shoes

To enable the audience to establish that the first victim is a runner, we will use costumes which are stereotypically worn by runners. They are:

- Hair up high in a pony tale

- White running t-shirt

- Three-quarter black running trousers

- White trainer socks

- White and red running trainers

- Silver arm strap for ipod

Settings and locations

In the opening of our film, there will be three settings in which we will do the filming, the main of which being Briley Forest park. The very first location that the audience will see is the entrance of the park. In this particular scene, this is where we meet the first character, the news reporter, as she is informing the audience of the murder of an unknown girl. In this scene, and many others to follow, the reporter will be in a mid shot with the 'Briley Forest Park' sign post behind her to show audiences where she is.

The second location that we will film is at the unknown girl's street where her house is located. We will shoot from the front of her house so that we can get a shot of her coming out her door preparing for a run. We will then pan her running around the corner of her street.

The last and most important setting that we will film in is in the park itself. This is where most of the shots will be filmed in as this is where the murder takes place. Most of these shots will have the woman running through the trees trying to escape from whoever is trying to murder her.

As most of our shots and filming will be in natural surroundings, we therefore cannot design our sets ourselves. This means that we will have to work around our set and use it as best as we can to get some successful clips. An advantage of using the natural surroundings is that it enables our filming and location to look 'natural', and doesn't give off any signs that it has been set up to look like something it isn't.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Research on genre of film: Horror

Horror films are movies that strive to gain responses of fear, horror and terror from their audiences.

The Amityville Horror (2005)
Director - Andrew Douglas
Comapny - Dimension Films

The Unborn (2009)
Director - David.S.Goyer
Company - Phantom Four

The Strangers (2008)
Director - Byran Bertino
Company - Rogue Pictures

Silent Hill (2006)
Director - Christophe Gans
Company - Silent Hill DCP Inc

The Shining (1980)
Director - Stanley Kubrick
Company - Hawk Films

Jeepers Creepers (2001)
Director - Victor Salva
Company - United Artists

Candy Man (1992)
Director - Bernard Rose
Company - PolyGram Filmed Entertainment